Intro to IDPA Competition Shooting

Intro to IDPA Competition Shooting

Introduction to IDPA Competition Shooting with actual match stages and scoring.
LIMITED TO 12 Shooters.

This is a newly updated 6-hour course which introduces shooters to the sport of competition shooting, focusing on the International Defensive Pistol Association (IDPA).
Course covers SAFETY, required gear, drawing from outside the waist band holster, drawing from concealment, shooting on the move, shooting multiple targets, no-shoots, hostage targets, reloading, and the aspects of IDPA. Course covers range commands and etiquette as it relates to the shooting sport. We will cover the various shooting divisions to include Pistol Caliber Carbine (PCC). Shooters will shoot actual multiple IDPA competition stages, just like a real match, and the classifier stage.

This is extremely fun, and gives shooters the experience of shooting and gun handling under simulated stress, which provides training value. 150-200 rounds required, pistol, 2-3 magazines (if mags hold less than 10 bring more if you have them), outside the waist band holster or concealed holster, and at least one magazine pouch, but two preferred. Those wanting to use PCC’s contact me for requirements.

This course is not optimal for brand new shooters with minimal experience, some shooting experience and SAFE gun handling is required (shooting on the move and drawing from the holster experience is NOT required).

$160 Payment is due on the day of the class, Cash, Venmo, Apple Pay, or Checks payable to Jesus Gallardo. Please contact me to reserve your spot or for any questions, especially if you’re on the fence. 559-788-7265 call or text. See less


Feb 01 2025


9:00 am - 3:30 pm




Gallardo Farms
28956 Reservation Rd - Porterville, CA 93257


Gallardo Firearms Training

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